Premium organic mountain tea from Greece. High quality tea in USA.  Online tea and Honey Shop.
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Greek mountain tea, also known as ironwort, shepherd's tea, and sideritis is a plant well known and used for thousands of years for its amazing health benefits. The name of the mountain tea originates from the old Greek name “σίδηρος” (sideros, i.e. iron), due to the high iron content of its stalks and leaves. It is mentioned in the book of Dioscorides “Materia Medica” written in the 1st Century. In Greek Mythology it is described as the herb/food of Titans that boost the immune system and cure colds, respiratory problems and stomach aches. Since then to the present, Sideritis raeseri has remained one of the most popular tea types used in Albania, Macedonia and Greece. It is known for its positive effects and used for colds, respiratory problems, digestion, the immune system, mild anxiety and as an anti-oxidant. It is also known to posses anti-inflammatory
characteristics and is used to reduce fever. Our Greek mountain tea is rich in essential oils, vitamins, minerals and other nourishing and health-giving compounds, as well as nourishment and support of the body, mind, and spirit.


As science has proven time and again, the plant is endowed with important nutrients and potent healing compounds, some of those elements come from the raw earth, grown in rocky iron-rich soil draws those elements into its own body. When you brew the plant in water, the resulting beverage – Greek mountain tea – is imbued with those constituents, carrying them into the body, where they are quickly absorbed.
Our Mountain tea is delicious, flavorful and aromatic.

In two separate studies regarding the health benefits from Sideritis Scardica Mountain tea, first published by U.S. National Library of Medicine – Clinical Trials, sponsored by Northumbria University and the second one by Brunswick Labs Report the highlights are:

  • Antioxidant activity equal to green tea.
  • Reduces anxiety and helps with sleep.
  • Potential anti-depressant effect.
  • Lowering of the blood pressure.
  • Potential anti – inflammatory.
  • Boosts the immune system.
  • Essential oil inhibits melanoma, breast & colon cancer in lab.
  • Extracts reduce cervical cancer cell grown in lab.
  • Inhibits amyloid plaque (Alzheimer’s sign) in animals.
  • Boosts bone and density and strength.



In a study published in the Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology in 2012 it was discovered that that extracts made from Greek mountain tea helped lower blood pressure levels while helping blood vessels to relax. The study showed that a dose of Sideritis extract led to blood vessel dilation, which helped lower blood pressure levels and reduced stress on the heart muscle.



In another study published in the March 2012 issue of Planta Medica the researchers found that drinking a cup of Greek mountain tea can lead to less inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, thanks to the presence of phenols and antioxidants found naturally in the plant.
The research found that drinking Greek mountain tea in the long term led to reduced inflammation and lower toxicity in the digestive system.



Greek mountain tea has a very pleasant taste and flavor, which makes it acceptable to most palates. It has lemony – herbal aroma with pleasant taste, mild-sweet, earthy with floral notes crossed with peppermint.
The brewing process is rather simple: boil water in a pot, place a small handful of the leaves, stems and flowers for full aromatic benefits, let it boil in low temperature for 5 minutes. Turn heat off and let it steep for 5 minutes. Strain and enjoy.
Excellent with a spoonful of Greek honey, it is also lovely with lemon or cinnamon. Since it’s naturally caffeine-free, it can be enjoyed any time of the day. Fresh, aromatic and flavorful – can be enjoyed either hot or iced.

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