Preparation of mountain tea
Recipes & Nutrition

How To Prepare - Mountain Tea


Loose leaf Mountain Tea makes a better cup of tea than tea bags. Because these herbs are in a more whole form, less surface areas are exposed and the plant’s essential oils are better protected, so they are more potent in terms of both flavor and therapeutic properties. Our Mountain tea is an organically cultivated herb, naturally dried and it looks and smells almost like the fresh product.

Naturally caffeine - free and can be consumed in unlimited quantities throughout the day.



In two separate studies regarding the health benefits from Sideritis Scardica Mountain tea, first published by U.S. National Library of Medicine – Clinical Trials, sponsored by Northumbria University and the second one by Brunswick Labs Report the highlights are:

  • Antioxidant activity equal to green tea.

  • Reduces anxiety and helps with sleep.

  • Potential anti-depressant effect.

  • Lowering of the blood pressure.

  • Potential anti – inflammatory.

  • Boosts the immune system.

  • Essential oil inhibits melanoma, breast & colon cancer in lab.

  • Extracts reduce cervical cancer cell grown in lab.

  • Inhibits amyloid plaque (Alzheimer’s sign) in animals.

  • Boosts bone and density and strength.

Drinking Mountain tea helps with common cold, it acts as an expectorant in bronchitis and asthma, soothe heartburn and peptic ulcers. Increases the energy even though it’s caffeine-free.


Mountain tea has a very pleasant taste and flavor, which makes it acceptable to most palates. It has lemony – herbal aroma with pleasant taste, mild-sweet, earthy with floral notes crossed with peppermint.

The brewing process is rather simple: boil water in a pot, place a small handful of the leaves, stems and flowers for full aromatic benefits, let it boil in low temperature for 5 minutes. Turn heat off and let it steep for 5 minutes. Strain and enjoy.

Excellent with a spoonful of honey, it is also lovely with lemon or cinnamon. Since it’s naturally caffeine-free, it can be enjoyed any time of the day. Fresh, aromatic and flavorful – can be enjoyed either hot or iced. 

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